This past week we visited with my sister, mother, brother and their families in Parks, Arizona. I have to say 70° days and 40° nights were well worth the three hour drive. Besides visiting with family we were hoping to go on a local hike which we did -- Keyhole Sink Trail. This particular trail is a favorite with local elementary schools because of its easy unobstructed trail and short duration. This easy one mile round trip trail took us a little over an hour with two three year olds, a two and a half year old, a 15 month old and a few thirty somethings, one whom was hung over (and he knows who he is -- Toby).
This was a great hike for the children since we got to see quite a bit of wild life. The first thing we saw was a baby horny toad (Phrynosoma platyrhinos) which is neither horny or a toad – don’t ask me how it got its name. The three year olds loved this and I have to admit I did as well since I haven’t seen one in over 15 years. They used to be very common in the lower desert, but I imagine due to development they are being slowly eradicated. At the sinkhole we saw tadpoles and baby green frogs – again the three year olds loved this.
We really had a lovely day having had the opportunity to see so much
wild life. Hikes in the lower desert usually only yield rattle snake sightings which I am not particularly fond of when hiking with children. As such this nearly two hour hike, well, it really didn’t seem like two hours until the last thirty minutes when all the toddlers wished to be carried (and so did some of the adults....the one with the hangover) was successful as a great family get together.
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