"If you have time to spare go by air, if you really have to get there...go by car." Author Unknown

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Being a Parent Sometimes Sucks A**

Of course there are many beautiful moments of being a parent like when your child says for the first time "I love you momma" or "I touch your boobies, I love you."  What about nursing your child? Those were very special times watching them fall asleep in your arms.  I used to sleep with my first son on my chest when he was newborn -- that was special time.  What about the look on his face the first time he scored a goal in soccer?   Yes, that was a precious moment.

But... there are those moments when it is not so beautiful.  For example the time one of them tooted in the grocery store line and people were looking at me like I did it (I didn't).  Or the time my older son, at age three, escaped into the garage, found my open red can of paint and painted my white car?  I can tell you racing stripes on a taurus wagon looked really stupid.  There was also the time my son decided to run away because he didn't get what he wanted.  He made it to the park and hid in a tree while a police car drove around looking for him (of course I called the police the minute he walked out the door to teach him a lesson).  He came home a little bit later saying it didn't work out because the police were looking for him.  Then there was the time he stole a hat from Sport Chalet (he was 15). I discovered his indiscretion, took the hat away, called the police, explained the siutation and asked if they would have an officer meet me at the store. He didn't get arrested, but it scared the bejesus out of him which was the point.  But nothing sucks a** more than having given your grown child the tools to have a decidely better life than most then have to kick him out of the house because he decided mooching was better than working for something.  And that...is why I think parenting sucks a** right now.

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