"If you have time to spare go by air, if you really have to get there...go by car." Author Unknown

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Poop, Puke and Paint...Oh My!

Today is the first day after working three 12-hour days in a row.  Granted, the second day was only seven hours, but still tiring none the less.  I can't believe how exhausted I am.  My friend Jeana, also an RN albeit retired now, used to sleep nearly to noon after working mulitples and I could never understand why.  Now I do.  Alas, I don't get to sleep to noon anymore thanks to a very beautiful little blonde.  I also don't get to have nice stuff anymore either.  Well, I do buy nice stuff and it doesn't stay nice for very long.  Which brings me to how atrociously depressing this first-day-off-in-three has been. 

I awoke this first-day-off-in-three to clouds -- I felt blissfully happy.  I figured today was going to be blustery and wintery like winter is supposed to be -- but it was not.  First thing after breakfast I go to fold the laundry in the dryer.  As I am taking out each white piece of clothing I notice ugly black stains on my shirts and new Victoria Secret underwear -- each item resembling a Jackson Pollock painting.  Long story short -- I forgot to take a pen out of my scrubs.  It is usually the teenager, toddler or dog destroying my nice stuff - this time it was my own carelessness.  For example, a few years ago I bought a $500 hand loomed area rug from Pottery Barn.  I didn't have it three months before the two dogs had ruined several areas of "loomage" with their playing.  I still covet this rug dearly so today when I noticed a faint green stain I just felt sick.  The green stain looked very similar to previous stains I had cleaned up and those were due to dog bile - more specifically Jack the Dog "throw up."  After spending fifteen minutes trying to get the stain out I can only assume this happened on one of the last three days because it looks quite "set in" so I give up and go outside.

While outside watering the plants and cleaning the patio I notice paint on my $800 patio furniture.  Red paint.  Also, red and yellow paint all over the flagstone.  Seriously.  Can this get any worse?  All I get out of Ethan is "Daddy and Jace were painting".  Painting a project on my $800 patio furniture. I don't even know what to say to this..... so I will leave it at that.  At this point I go to the bedroom with my head in my hands because I can't believe this day: stains on the clothes ($$), stains on the patio furniture ($$$$) and a big green stain on my rug.  I start to sit down on the chest at the bottom of my bed and on the antique quilt I bought in Vermont ($$$)....POOP stains. Apparently Ethan had pooped outside earlier without telling me and had sat on my antique quilt while I hung pictures begging me to let him on the bed (thank god I said no to that). 

To say this day has been completely draining and feeling very much like work (cleaning poop and bile) is an understatement.  Poop seems to be a recurring theme in my life and of my blog.  I only wish it were as funny in real life as it seems to be to those who read my blog.  If I weren't so exhausted I would probably be laughing my ass off right now -- okay not really.  At this point poop just isn't funny anymore. 

Perhaps tomorrow after a good nights sleep I will be less exhausted-- and maybe -- just maybe the weather will be more agreeable with clouds, much colder temperatures and snow.  I think I may feel much more positive about poop -- after all tomorrow is another day.

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